As The Ozark Trading Post, we believe that publishing a fun fact every day can help our readers start their day with a smile, spark their curiosity, and provide a break from the day-to-day grind. It can also foster a sense of community, as readers can share the fun fact with friends and family or use it as a conversation starter.
- Honey Never Spoils: Honey has natural preservatives and can remain edible for thousands of years.
- Banana Radiation: Bananas are naturally radioactive due to the presence of potassium-40.
- Antibiotic from Soil: The antibiotic Streptomycin, used to treat tuberculosis, was discovered in the soil of New Jersey.
- Sneezing Speed: The average sneeze travels at a speed of about 100 miles per hour.
- Oxford Older Than Aztecs: Oxford University predates the Aztec Empire by over 200 years.
- Moon Moves Away: Every year, the Moon moves about 3.8 cm further away from Earth.
- Wombat Poop: Wombats produce cube-shaped feces.
- Penguin's Projectile: Penguins can eject their feces with such force that it can travel multiple feet away.
- Cows Have Besties: Cows can have best friends and can become stressed when separated from them.
- Sharks Before Trees: Sharks existed before trees. The first trees appeared about 350 million years ago, while sharks have been around for over 400 million years.
- Jellyfish Lifespan: Some species of jellyfish, like Turritopsis dohrnii, are considered biologically immortal.
- Chickens and T. rex: Chickens are the closest living relatives to the Tyrannosaurus rex.
- Banging Head for Calories: If you bang your head against a wall, you burn about 150 calories an hour.
- Heartbeats in a Day: On average, a human heart beats about 100,000 times a day.
- Mantis Shrimp Vision: Mantis shrimp can see ultraviolet and polarized light, making their vision one of the most complex in the animal kingdom.
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